Michigan Trappers & Predator Callers Association
Michigan Trappers & Predator Callers Association
Creating a United Front - Dedicated to Protecting Sportsmen's Rights
Join Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association
Copyright©2009-2024 - MTPCA - All Rights Reserved
Website by HawkMtn
The Michigan Trappers & Predator Callers Association offers memberships for both youth and adult.  Both base packages come with the MTPCA's The Trapline magazine, a year subscription to Michigan Out-of-Doors online magazine, and all fur sale privileges. All adult memberships also have full voting privileges.

Each membership also has the option of subscribing to national trapping magazines at an additional low price of $18 for Trapper's World, or $14 for Trapper's Post or $12 for Trapper & Predator Caller.

Current magazine choices include Trapper's World, which is mailed six times yearly, (a savings of $8.95) the Trapper & Predator Caller, which is mailed ten times yearly (a savings of $7.95) and Trapper's Post, which is mailed six times yearly (a savings of $10.95).
Out-of-Doors magazine
Trapline magazine
Trappers World
Trapper & Predator Caller
Trappers Post
Click for Print & Mail Membership Application
For a limited time, all new members signing up to the MTPCA will automatically receive a FREE one-year memberhip to Fur Takers of America. (Current FTA members don't qualify for the free membership -- it's for new members only!)
We're working on a new online store!
In the meantime, please email us if you'd like to place an online order for memberships or merchandise.

Anthony Satkowiak - asatkowiak@mtpca.com