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Welcome to Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association
Our organization has come a long way since its origin in 1957 as the Zone 2 Michigan Trappers Association.
Following the Zone 2 organization, Southern Michigan Trappers Assocation began in 1974, followed by a statewide merger into the Michigan Trappers Association, Inc., in 1989.
With the statewide interest in both trapping and predator calling, the association again encompassed additional sportsmen and women in 2009 with the beginnings of the statewide Michigan Trappers & Predator Callers Association, Inc.
Our objectives have remained the same over the years, and include protecting the rights of Michigan sportsmen to harvest surplus furbearing animals, realizing the need for furbearer conservation and education, and assisting the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in wildlife management.
Because of our efforts throughout the years, our residents are still able to traverse the woods and waterways in pursuit of the renewable resources of furbearing animals.
Fur Harvester Digest
Michigan Trapper
Education Manual
Copyright©2009-2025 - MTPCA - All Rights Reserved
Our organization has come a long way since its origin in 1957 as the Zone 2 Michigan Trappers Association.
Following the Zone 2 organization, Southern Michigan Trappers Assocation began in 1974, followed by a statewide merger into the Michigan Trappers Association, Inc., in 1989.
With the statewide interest in both trapping and predator calling, the association again encompassed additional sportsmen and women in 2009 with the beginnings of the statewide Michigan Trappers & Predator Callers Association, Inc.
Our objectives have remained the same over the years, and include protecting the rights of Michigan sportsmen to harvest surplus furbearing animals, realizing the need for furbearer conservation and education, and assisting the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in wildlife management.
Because of our efforts throughout the years, our residents are still able to traverse the woods and waterways in pursuit of the renewable resources of furbearing animals.

Michigan Trapper
Education Manual
Trapper Education Course
Fur Harvester Digest
Order your license online
Creating a United Front - Dedicated to Protecting Sportsmen's Rights
Copyright©2009-2024 - MTPCA - All Rights Reserved
Michigan Trappers & Predator Callers Association
Our organization has come a long way since its origin in 1957 as the Zone 2 Michigan Trappers Association.
Following the Zone 2 organization, Southern Michigan Trappers Assocation began in 1974, followed by a statewide merger into the Michigan Trappers Association, Inc., in 1989.
With the statewide interest in both trapping and predator calling, the association again encompassed additional sportsmen and women in 2009 with the beginnings of the statewide Michigan Trappers & Predator Callers Association, Inc.
Our objectives have remained the same over the years, and include protecting the rights of Michigan sportsmen to harvest surplus furbearing animals, realizing the need for furbearer conservation and education, and assisting the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in wildlife management.
Because of our efforts throughout the years, our residents are still able to traverse the woods and waterways in pursuit of the renewable resources of furbearing animals.
Michigan Trapper
Education Manual
View or Download
Fur Harvester Digest
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Free Trapper Education Course
Order your license online
Copyright©2009-2024 - MTPCA - All Rights Reserved
FTA Affiliate of the Year
Creating a United Front - Dedicated to Protecting Sportsmen's Rights
MTPCA Scholarship
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Welcome to Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association
1) You must possess a valid Fur Harvesters License and be a current member of the MTPCA or if from out of state, your state association or the National Trappers Association.
2) You must purchase a LOT NUMBER, for $5.00, in order to sell your fur. A LOT NUMBER is only good for one individual, or party (partners). You may not sell furs of another unless their furs are incorporated with yours (I.e. all furs of the same grade are sold together). Sub-lots are not allowed. LOT NUMBER’S are available from the Fur Sale Director.
3) You are responsible for your furs from the time you enter the auction site until such responsibility passes on to the buyer. If you NO SALE your furs, you remain responsible.
4) All fur will be sold in numerical order, by LOT NUMBER. (See exception under “8”).
5) All fur must be accompanied by a correctly filled out LOT SLIP, LOT TAG and be double checked for count before being sold.
6) All fur will be sold as sorted/GRADED/BUNDLED and brought to the auction table. There will be no sorting of fur or breaking of BUNDLES on the auction table. No separate LOTS of same grade/species. Except for Muskrats. See “Grading, Bundling” for more information.
7) To keep the auction process is as quick as possible; please pay close attention when you are selling or about to sell your furs and help keep your furs moving along the tables.
8) If you are not prepared to sell your furs when it is your turn, you will be skipped. Your furs will be offered when convenient for the Fur Sale Director and/or volunteers assigned by the Fur Sale Director.
9) No switching or filling in of empty LOT NUMBERS at the fur sales will be allowed.
10) Deer hides must be properly salted to be sold at auction.
11) You or your representative must be present at all times when selling. Seller reserves the right to accept/reject the high bid on their furs. The auctioneer shall announce the final bid price to the seller, who shall immediately determine if the high bid is acceptable (sold) or unacceptable (NO SALE). In the event of a NO SALE, that LOT will be removed from the auction table for you. As soon as your other LOTS are sold, any 'NO SALE' LOTS must be removed from the auction area.
12) All fur sold at the auction site shall be subject to a 5% commission payable to the MTPCA. If NO SALE furs are later sold on the premises, that information must be entered on the trappers/hunters LOT SLIP and the commission paid. Members violating this rule will be subject to removal from the MTPCA by the Board of Directors, and thus loss of any, and all, future selling privileges.
13) It will be the sole responsibility of the trapper/hunter to pick up or make arrangements to pick up fur checks from their buyer(s).
14) The first 10 seller numbers have the option to rerun their unsold furs again immediately after lot number 25's furs have been completed and in the same selling order as before.
15) If you cannot attend, but want a friend (representative) to sell your fur, they must have your current membership card and a copy of your valid Fur Harvesters License in their possession at the sale. All checks will be made out in the name of the member that holds the LOT NUMBER.
The following are the number of grades per species, allowed at an MTPCA auction. NOTE: Exceptionally large LOTS are allowed more GRADES. Assistance is available for anyone who is unsure of proper grading. A minimum of 5 of any one species is required before sorting into grades. Mink are excluded.
* Badger – 3 Grades: XL, over 25”; L, 25” to 22”; M/S, under 22”.
* Beaver – 14 Grades: (fall or winter) 3XL, over 70”; 2XL, 70” to 65”; XL, 65” to 60”; L, 60” to 55”; L/M, 55” to 51”; M, 51” to 47”; Kits, under 47”. Measure length and width or diagonals; then add together.
* Bobcat – 3 Grades: XL, over 36”; L, 36” to 32”, M/S, under 32”.
* Coyote – 3 Grades: XL, over 42”; L, 42” to 36”; M/S, under 36”.
* Deer – 2 Grades: Large and Damaged/Small. Note: The buyer, who bids the highest, shall buy all deer hides brought to the auction and at one of the two grades/prices. Buyer retains the right to refuse rotten, small, rubbed or slipping hides.
* Fisher – 3 Grades: XL/L, over 28”; L/M, 28” to 25”; M/S, under 25”.
* Fox (Grey) – 2 Grades: XL/L, over 28”; M/S, under 28”.
* Fox (Red) – 4 Grades: 2XL, over 34”; XL, 34” to 32”; L 32” to 28”; M/S and Flat under 28”.
* Martin – 5 Grades: 2XL, over 23”; XL, 23” to 21”; L, 21” to 18”; M, 18” to 16”, S under 16”.
* Mink (Female) – 3 Grades: XL, over 19”; L, 19” to 17”; M/S, under 17”. (Male) – 5 Grades: 2XL, over 23”; XL, 23” to 21”; L, 21” to 19”, L/M, 19” to 17”; M/S, under 17”.
* Muskrat – 14 Grades: (Fall or Winter) 3XL, over 17”; 2XL, 17” to 15 1/2”; XL, 15 1/2” to 14”; L, 14” to 13”;
M, 13” to 11 1/2”; S, 11 1/2” to 10”; Kits, under 10”. Note: Large lots may be BUNDLED in 25’s with a minimum of 250 or more pelts per LOT. Large LOTS of muskrats may be separated into LOTS of 250 or more.
* Opossum - 3 Grades: XL, over 25”; L, 25” to 22”; M/S, under 22”.
* Otter – 5 Grades: XL, over 38”; L, 38” to 34”; L/M, 34” to 32”; M/S, 32” to 30”; XS, under 30”.
* Raccoon – 6 Grades: Jumbo, over 35”; 3XL, 35” to 32”; 2XL, 32” to 29”; XL, 29” to 27”, L/M, 24” to 22”; M/S, under 22”. Note: Blue coon needs to separate from Prime coon. All Green coons will be sold as one LOT whether the LOT NUMBER contains two or more. However, they must be bundled to be sold. No more than 5 green coon per bundle due to weight.
* Skunk – 3 Grades: 2XL, over 22”; XL/L, 22” to 18”; M/S, under 18”. Note: All carcass skunks MUST remain outside. Please let the Fur Sale Director know if any carcass skunks need to be sold as soon as you arrive.
It is highly recommended to sort, GRADE, tag and string (BUNDLE) your pelts prior to arriving at the auction. Space is always at a premium and you may be skipped if you are not prepared to sell when it is your turn. IF you are one of the first few sellers, it is best to have your furs ready for sale prior to 9am.
Securely tie and label with a LOT TAG to each BUNDLE of fur with string, rope, twine, or zip ties in a manner that prevents the loss of individual pelts. (Stringing through the eye, ear or mouth holes is preferred.) Wire is unacceptable.
BUNDLE/String: Muskrats in groups of 25 max; Green coon in groups of 5 max (weight consideration); all other furs in 10 max. Write number of pelts in BUNDLE, grade, and LOT NUMBER on LOT TAG. Attach a tag to each BUNDLE. All fur that is the same GRADE for any LOT NUMBER must be offered at the same time. (I.e. A seller had 4 bundles of Jumbo Green coon. He shall offer the 20 pelts for the sale together as one LOT, not four different lots.) LOTS must be signified on LOT TAG as 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4 and 4 of 4 or as it pertains to that particular LOT.
§ Please check in at the MTPCA table prior to bringing your furs into the building. Must verify that the seller’s MTPCA Membership is current and contact information is correct for the sale.
§ Please pick up LOT SLIPS, string and LOT TAGS and fill out completely. Lots will not be sold until BUNDLE contains all necessary information.
§ Fill out the seller's information on the LOT SLIPS completely. NOTE: Many of our members make donations of furs to the MTPCA. These are always accepted and certainly appreciated. If you choose to donate, fill out a LOT SLIP as noted, with the addition of clearly marking as a ‘DONATION’. Please notify the Fur Sale Director of your intentions. Also, please allow the MTPCA to determine the best MTPCA use of your furs (i.e. resale, tanning for resale or use in a fur kit. Any monies collected from donated furs sold at auction, will go to the Trappers Education Fund.).
§ Sort, GRADE, TAG, and BUNDLE your pelts if you have not yet done so.
§ Place your furs on table, in the order you want them sold (i.e. mink, muskrat, coon, coyote, fox) as space and proximity to selling time allows.
§ Please leave your LOT SLIPS with the appropriate BUNDLES/GRADES/LOTS of your furs, so that count and species can be verified.
§ Please pay attention and move your furs along the tables as the sale progresses.
§ Periodically, check with the computer operator to see if your copies of the sold LOT SLIPS are ready for pick up.
§ Pick up your completed LOT SLIPS and bring them to the buyers check writer. You are responsible for taking your slips to each buyer’s writer and collecting your money.
BUNDLE – Pelts of like species/grade strung together for ease of handling, counting, bagging; can be any number of pelts up to allowable limit outlined herein.
GRADE – The size, color, damage, etc. of a pelt; used for sorting like furs into bundles/lots.
LOT – Any number of pelts or bundles of pelts being sold at the same time.
LOT NUMBER – The numerical order in which you will be selling; used on lot slips and lot tags to identify seller.
LOT SLIP – A three part carbon-less form filled out by the seller which identifies the seller, the species being sold, quantity, grade, bid price, commission, proceeds and buyer.
LOT TAG – Any slip attached to a bundle of pelts which contains the seller’s number, quantity, grade of the bundle and portion of LOT.
NO SALE – What is said when the bid price is unacceptable for the lot being bid upon.
Lot Numbers first become available during the MTPCA Convention.
After convention they will be available from MTPCA Fur Sale Director.

Donations Still Being Accepted for the MTPCA Legal Fund
On March 14th, 2024 the Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC), as part of WCO Amendment No. 1 of 2024, voted 4-2 (with one commissioner absent) to close the Michigan coyote hunting season from April 15th to July 15th.
This was done as a response to supposed complaints about social perceptions and the associated political fears of repercussions from animal rights and anti-hunting groups.
This vote, based upon social perceptions as opposed to “principles of sound scientific management” is a direct assault on the heart and soul of Proposal G.
Proposal G was adopted in 1996 by a vote of the people (68.7% in favor, and only 31.3% against) to ensure, via state statute, that Michigan’s Natural Resources are managed based upon sound science, instead of political pressure.
If the NRC’s decision, based upon social perception, to reduce the citizens’ ability to effectively manage Michigan’s continually problematic coyote population is not challenged, and reversed, the damage to Proposal G may be irreversible. Decisions made based upon social pressure and contrary to sound science set very dangerous precedents, opening the door to countless threats to Michigan’s natural resources.
The DNR officially made NO RECOMMENDATION for this change due to lack of supporting data.
On March 27, 2024, The Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association (MTPCA) filed an appeal in Mackinac County Circuit Court, challenging the NRC’s decision. MTPCA is represented by Stephen J. van Stempvoort, Miller Johnson, Grand Rapids MI.
We ask for help from Michigan sportspeople in making a donation of any amount to aid us on our legal proceedings against the State of Michigan's Natural Resource Commission.
Evart, Michigan
August 15-16, 2025